Acid-Test Ratio

Benchmarking Financial Performance

You already may have reviewed a preliminary draft of your company’s year-end financial statements. But without a frame of reference, they don’t mean much. That’s why it’s important to compare your company’s performance over time and against competitors. Conduct a well-rounded evaluation A comprehensive benchmarking study requires calculating ratios that

2021-04-12T14:54:36-06:00January 27th, 2020|

Manage Your Working Capital

Working capital is calculated as the difference between a company’s current assets and current liabilities. For a business to thrive, working capital must be greater than zero. A positive balance enables the company to meet its short-term cash flow needs and grow. And, too much working capital can be a

2021-04-12T14:54:37-06:00December 17th, 2019|
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