business taxes

6 Ways to Control Unemployment Tax Costs

Unemployment tax rates for employers vary from state to state. Your unemployment tax bill may be influenced by the number of former employees who’ve filed unemployment claims with the state, your current number of employees and your business’s age. Typically, the more claims made against a business, the higher the

2021-04-12T14:57:41-06:00September 25th, 2017|

Keep Real Estate Separate from Your Business’s Corporate Assets to Save Tax

It’s common for a business to own not only typical business assets, such as equipment, inventory and furnishings, but also the building where the business operates — and possibly other real estate as well. There can, however, be negative consequences when a business’s real estate is included in its general

2021-04-12T14:57:43-06:00July 31st, 2017|

Spring Cleaning Basics for Your Business Financial Records

Yesterday's blog post highlighted tips for personal financial records retention. The record-retention guidelines are slightly different for businesses. Here are the basics to get you started. Employee records. Keep personnel records for three years after an employee has been terminated. Also maintain records that support employee earnings for at least

2021-04-12T14:58:01-06:00July 5th, 2017|
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